Wall of Gratitude

Thank your parents

before it's too late!

I am grateful to my Mum for . . .


I am grateful to my Mum for . . .


I am grateful to my Dad for . . .

"always sharing his knowledge and skills with me."

I am grateful to my Mum for . . .

"showing me what a strong, compassionate, intelligent woman can achieve."

I am grateful to my Mum for . . .

"Her patience, love and support"

I am grateful to my Dad for . . .

"Being the funniest man alive!"

I am grateful to my Dad for . . .

"Sitting up late at night just to talk when I need the company"

I am grateful to my Mum for . . .

"Always being supportive and encouraging me to do new things out of my comfort zone"

I am grateful to my Dad for . . .

"Making me feel safe. From Belinda"

I am grateful to my Dad for . . .

"Always listen without talking too much."

I am grateful to my Dad for . . .

"Always listen without talking too much."

I am grateful to my Mum for . . .

"Showing me that intelligence is not all about education level … Nick P."

I am grateful to my Mum for . . .

"Teaching me to laugh easily"

I am grateful to my Dad for . . .

"Passing on your superior intellect to me."

I am grateful to my Dad for . . .

"Wrestling with me."

I am grateful to my Dad for . . .

"Continuing to donate your sperm until you created the perfect child (me)."

I am grateful to my Dad for . . .

"Taking us on Sunday outings nearly every week that I remember, and always holding out for the PERFECT picnic spot, even in the face of our combined impatience."

I am grateful to my Dad for . . .

"Working at a job that you probably didn’t really like so that we could have a good life."

I am grateful to my Dad for . . .

"Being friendly to my friends and everyone else, including unsuspecting checkout girls."

I am grateful to my Dad for . . .

"Always being kind – except to that naughty dog Tiger."